Make Money Online: Instant Website Monetization | How To Start Making Money With Adsterra

How To Start Making Money With Adsterra

Are you an online publisher, blogger, or website owner looking to transform your digital presence into a source of income? If so, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the world of website monetization, with a special focus on the Adsterra ad network.


1: What is Instant Website Monetization?

Before we dive into the specifics of Adsterra, let's begin with a fundamental understanding of instant website monetization. In simple terms, it's the process of turning your website, blog, or online platform into a lucrative source of income by displaying advertisements. The key here is the word "instant." Unlike traditional monetization methods that may involve lengthy approval processes and wait times, instant monetization allows you to start earning revenue rapidly.

2: Introducing Adsterra - Your Instant Monetization Solution

Adsterra is a leading player in the world of online advertising. Known for its high CPM (Cost Per Mille) rates and streamlined approval process, Adsterra is a powerful alternative to traditional ad networks like AdSense. Here are some key highlights that make Adsterra a standout choice:

High CPM Rates: Adsterra offers competitive CPM rates, which means you can earn more for every thousand ad impressions on your website.


Swift Website Verification: Adsterra's website verification process takes just 10 minutes or less, allowing you to start monetizing your website almost instantly.

Diverse Advertising Formats: Adsterra offers a wide range of ad formats to choose from, including Popunders, Banners, Native Banners, Social Bar (In-Page Push), and Direct Links.

Referral Program: Adsterra's Referral Program enables you to earn an additional 5% income by referring others to join the network.

User-Friendly Interface: Adsterra provides a user-friendly platform that simplifies the process of managing your website monetization efforts.


3: Getting Started with Adsterra - Registration and Initial Setup

Now that you're intrigued by the potential benefits of Adsterra, it's time to get started. We'll walk you through the registration process and initial setup to ensure you hit the ground running.

Step 1: Registration as a Publisher

The first step in your journey to making profits with Adsterra is the registration process. Follow these simple steps:


  • Navigate to []( and select "SIGN UP → AS A PUBLISHER" from the upper menu.

  • Fill out the registration form, providing essential information such as your login, password, contact details, preferred payment method, and the list of websites you wish to monetize.

  • Ensure that you enter a valid email address, as it will be used for account-related communication and to receive advertising codes.

  • After completing the registration form, click the "SIGN UP" button, remembering to accept Adsterra's Terms and Conditions.

Step 2: Email Verification

Upon completing your registration, you will need to verify the email address associated with your account. This email verification process is essential for account security and communication.


4: Exploring Your Publisher's Account

After successfully registering and verifying your email, you will gain access to your publisher's account on Adsterra. This account serves as your central hub for managing your website monetization efforts. Let's explore the key components of your publisher's account:

Websites and Direct Links: Adding and Managing

The "Websites" section is the first page you'll encounter after signing in. Here, you can add all the websites you want to monetize. If you don't have a website but plan to monetize a mobile app or social media account (such as Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok), you can choose the "ADD DIRECT LINK" option.

How to Add Your Website to Adsterra

Let's delve into the process of adding a website to Adsterra:


  • Open the "Websites" page. Initially, you won't see any added items. It's time to add your first website by clicking the "ADD WEBSITE" button.

  • In the pop-up window, you'll choose which ad codes (ad formats) to place on your website. This is the initial step toward making money with Adsterra.

  • On the "Add Website" window, you need to fill out several key fields:

  •    Your Website URL: Enter the full URL, including HTTPS, of the website you wish to monetize.

  •   Website Category: Pick the category that best aligns with your website's content or traffic, such as movies, books, anime, news, and more.

  •    Available Ad Units: These are the ad formats that will be displayed on your website. For instance, if you select the Native Banner format, your website users will see ads designed for this specific format.

  •    Remove Campaigns" Filter: Here, you can specify which types of advertising are unsuitable for your users, such as ads with sound.


  • After filling out the necessary fields, click the "ADD" button. Your domain will be submitted for approval, and you'll receive a service message.

Website Verification

Website verification is a crucial step in the process. Typically, Adsterra's website approval process is remarkably fast. While your website is in verification, its status will show as "Pending," which will later change to "Approved." You can keep track of the status on the "Websites" page, and you'll receive an email notification once your website is approved.

Getting Adsterra Ad Codes/Scripts

Once your website is approved, you'll need to obtain the ad codes/scripts to start displaying ads. There are two methods for this:


  1. Email: You'll receive an email with the code script. Simply check your inbox, open the email (usually from the Adsterra Team), and click "View Code Scripts."

  1. From Your Account: Alternatively, you can access the code script from your publisher's account. By this time, your website's status will have changed to "Approved." On the "Websites" page, click "All Codes" and select "Get Code." The script will be available in the drop-down window. You'll need to copy and paste it onto your website. The instructions for placement will be provided on the left, tailored to the ad format you've chosen.

Managing Your Website Monetization

As your website or websites start generating traffic, you may want to adjust the ad formats, add new codes, or disable ones you no longer need. Let's explore how to manage your website monetization with ease:

  • On the "Websites" page, find the domain you wish to edit. To the right of the domain, you'll see a toolbar with various options.

  • You can obtain the code as you did earlier by clicking "All Codes" → "Get Code."

  • You can choose "Add Code" to generate a new script for another ad format. Be aware that you'll need to wait for another email with approval.

  •  You can check the website's performance by clicking the "Statistics" button.

  • You can edit the types of filters you initially applied when adding a website. However, please note that these changes will apply to new ad codes.

  • If you prefer, you can hide this website from your statistics by toggling the "ON" state.

5: Making Money Without a Website

Not everyone has a website to monetize, but that doesn't mean you can't earn a profit with Adsterra. You can tap into the power of Adsterra's Smart Direct Link tool to monetize your mobile app or social media traffic. Here are the main steps to make it happen:


1. Open the "Direct Links" page from your account.

2. Click the "ADD DIRECT LINK" button and choose the parameters that suit your needs.

6: Understanding Adsterra Ad Formats

Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats that can be deployed to monetize your website or traffic source. Here's a brief overview of the different ad formats available:

1. Popunder: This ad format opens in a new browser window when a user clicks anywhere on your webpage. It's an effective way to engage users without being too intrusive.

2. Social Bar (Push Ads): These ads appear as a notification at the bottom of the user's screen. They work well for engaging mobile users.

3. Native Banner: Native ads blend seamlessly with the content on your website, providing a non-disruptive user experience.

4. Smart Direct Link: As mentioned earlier, this ad format is excellent for mobile apps or social media traffic. It redirects users to various offers based on their interests and demographics.

5. Display Banner: Display banners are traditional image or text-based ads that can be placed on your website in various sizes and locations.

7: Monitoring Your Revenues - Statistics Reports

Understanding your website's performance and how your ads are performing is crucial for optimizing your earnings. Adsterra provides detailed statistics reports to help you do just that. Here are the key metrics you can track:


  1. IMPRESSIONS: This metric shows how many times your ads were shown to users.

  2. CLICKS: The number of times users clicked on ads.

  3. CTR (Click-Through Rate): This is calculated by dividing the number of clicks on an ad by the number of ad impressions.

  4. CPM (Cost Per Mille): It represents how much advertisers pay for 1000 impressions of their ads on your website. The CPM rate is calculated automatically and depends on various factors, including the visitors' country, device, browser, operating system, and the ad formats you use.

  5. REVENUE: This metric reflects how much you've earned through Adsterra.

On your "Statistics" page, you can customize your reports by various timeframes, allowing you to analyze your performance in-depth. Grouping your website's statistics by date, domains, placement, country, device format, or operating system can provide valuable insights into where your earnings are coming from.

Adsterra also allows you to export your statistics in .CSV format for further analysis or record-keeping.

8: Managing Your Publisher's Profile

Your publisher's profile contains crucial information, including your contact details, payment methods, and personal data. Let's explore the main aspects of your profile:

Contact Details: Your profile displays the contact information you provided during registration. You have the flexibility to update this information as needed.

Preferred Payout Method: Adsterra offers multiple payout methods, including Paxum, PayPal, WebMoney, Wire Transfer, and others. You can manage your preferred payout method in your profile.

Please note that some fields in your profile, such as the email associated with your account and your login, cannot be changed.


9: Transparent Payment Reporting

Understanding how and when you'll receive your earnings is crucial for financial planning. Adsterra provides a transparent payment reporting system with clear guidelines and a history of your payouts.

  1. Payment Rules: The first part of the "Payments" page outlines essential payment rules, including information on minimum payouts, transfer fees, and payout dates. Understanding these rules is essential to ensure smooth website monetization.

  1. Payment History: The payment history table contains detailed information about your payments. Here's what each field means:

  1.   DATE: This field displays the payout dates, including the next payout date and previous payments. It also includes balance adjustments with reasons mentioned in the "COMMENT" field.

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    1.  SUM: The total amount of earnings within a specific period.

    2. FEE: The commission taken by the payment system for the money transfer.

    3. TYPE: The type of financial operation (e.g., 'next' for the next payment).

    4. ACCOUNT: Your account details.

    5. COMMENT: A detailed description of the financial operation.

    6. DOCUMENTS: Files that confirm the payout.

This transparent payment reporting system ensures you have a clear overview of your earnings and payout history.


10: How to Boost Your Income - Adsterra Referral Program

One of the easiest ways to boost your income with Adsterra is by participating in their referral program. By referring others to join Adsterra and start monetizing their websites, you can earn a 5% commission on their income. Here's how it works:

  1. Access the "Referrals" page in your Adsterra account.

  1. Click the "GENERATE INVITE" button to receive a unique referral link.

  1. Share this referral link with your readers, colleagues, or partners.

  1. When someone signs up with Adsterra via your referral link and starts monetizing their website, you'll receive a commission equal to 5% of their income.

The Adsterra referral program is a great way to earn passive income by simply encouraging others to embark on their website monetization journey.

11: Adsterra Live Chat Support and Knowledge Base

Customer support is a crucial aspect of any online platform. Adsterra prides itself on its user-friendly interface, but when questions or issues arise, their 24/7 live chat support is readily available to assist you. Here's how it works:

  • Access the live chat support through the chat icon in the lower corner of the screen.

  • If your query can be answered with a tutorial or guide, you'll receive a link to the relevant resource. Adsterra's knowledge base is filled with helpful articles and tips.

  • For questions or issues where live support is the best solution, you'll have direct access to the support team. Their dedicated and caring managers are ready to assist you.

12: Advanced Stats Tracking with Adsterra API

For publishers who want to dive even deeper into their website's performance data, Adsterra offers the Publishers API. This powerful feature allows you to pull statistics on your websites' core metrics, making it valuable for those who use third-party tracking services or dashboards.

Here's how to use the Adsterra Publishers API:

  • Go to the "API" tab in your Adsterra account.

  • Generate a unique API token that will enable you to send your Adsterra statistics to other applications, systems, and dashboards without sharing your credentials or any sensitive data.

The Adsterra API provides publishers with advanced stats tracking capabilities, empowering them to optimize their monetization strategies further.

13: Why Choose Adsterra for Instant Website Monetization

By now, you've explored the various facets of Adsterra, but why should you choose Adsterra as your go-to platform for instant website monetization? Let's delve into the key reasons:

  1. Fast and Easy Start: Adsterra offers instant approval and clear instructions on where to place ad codes, making it simple for publishers to get started quickly.

  1. A Vast Pool of Advertisers: Adsterra features over 20,000 campaigns running at any given time, providing a wide range of opportunities for publishers.

  1. High CPM Rates and Extra Earning Options: Adsterra employs AI optimization to ensure that website visitors see the most relevant offers from advertisers, which ultimately leads to higher CPM rates. Additionally, all publishers can increase their earnings through the Adsterra Referral Program.

  1. Multiple Ad Formats: Adsterra offers a diverse array of ad formats, giving publishers flexibility in choosing the best fit for their websites.

  1. Friendly Payout Policy: Automated 15NET payouts start from just $5 (for Paxum and Webmoney). Adsterra offers various payment methods, including Paxum, PayPal, WebMoney, Wire Transfer, and others.

  1. Security Solutions: Adsterra employs a robust 3-level security system to protect publishers and users from malware and security threats.

  1. Anti-AdBlock: Adsterra's powerful Anti-AdBlock feature ensures that publishers can monetize 100% of their traffic, even when users have ad-blockers enabled.

  1. Partner Care: Adsterra prides itself on its caring managers and live chat support, which are highly rated by 80% of their partners. This support ensures that publishers receive the assistance they need to succeed.

  2. Shams Tahir

14: Real Success Stories with Adsterra

One of the best ways to gain confidence in any platform is by exploring success stories from other users. Adsterra has a track record of helping publishers achieve substantial income. Here are a couple of inspiring case studies:

Case Study 1: Blog Monetization with Adsterra

One publisher reported earning $1,200 in just two months through Adsterra. This case study showcases the potential for bloggers and website owners to turn their passion into a profitable endeavor.

Case Study 2: Twitter Traffic Monetization

Another success story highlights the power of Twitter traffic monetization. An Adsterra publisher earned a staggering $800 daily payout by leveraging Twitter traffic. This case study illustrates the opportunities available for those who harness the full potential of their traffic sources.

15: Key Points to Consider

As you embark on your journey with Adsterra and instant website monetization, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Fast and Easy Start: With Adsterra, you can get your monetization efforts off the ground swiftly.

  1. Instant Approval: Adsterra's rapid website verification process ensures you can start monetizing your website within minutes.

  1. Diverse Advertising Formats: Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats, giving you the flexibility to choose what works best for your audience.

  1. High CPM Rates: Adsterra's competitive CPM rates mean you can earn more for every thousand ad impressions.

  1. Additional Earning Opportunities: Don't forget to explore the Adsterra Referral Program to increase your income by referring others.

  1. Transparent Reporting: Adsterra's transparent payment reporting system ensures you have full visibility into your earnings and payouts.

  1. Live Support: With Adsterra's live chat support, you'll never feel alone on your monetization journey.

  2. Shams Tahir

16: Ready to Start Earning?

After this extensive guide, you're likely eager to start your monetization journey. Adsterra offers a user-friendly platform that enables you to start generating revenue from your website or blog within minutes. While the road to a substantial income may present challenges, Adsterra will stand by your side, whether you're just starting or aiming for six-figure profits.

Remember, success in website monetization requires dedication and ongoing effort, but with Adsterra, you're just a few clicks away from your next great leap toward profit."

Shams Tahir


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